Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Arrested Development

I think the best show on TV right now is Fox's Arrested Development. I know, I can't believe the same network that gave us Temptation Island has also given us this gem of a show. If you aren't on the bandwagon yet, you should definitely jump aboard. Plus, the show features sexy 80's star Jason Bateman. See for yourselves, ladies!

If you are already a fan you should sign the save Arrested Development petition. Please help keep an awesomely funny show on the air!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Fun stuff from others

Since Jennifer thought I had some good stuff on my blog, I think everyone should check out her post about Irving Plaza, which she believes is a lot of fun for people who,"love a rowdy drinking scene."

Like me, Chris is also a movie buff and I really liked his link for movie information.

It was nice to hear from Meghan that there are New Yorker's who aren't all about the Yankees! Thanks Meghan for being a Mets fan.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Need Help?

If anyone is having trouble with their links list, I finally figured it out so I can now help!

Friday, February 11, 2005


If you ever have any questions about movies or anything to do with entertainment, check out the Internet Movie Database.


I've had enough of Bill O'Reilly and Fox News. Everyone should check out MSNBC News instead.

Detroit Pistons

I'm a hug fan of the Pistons and I think everyone should check out the World Champs!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

my very first blog

I'm excited to have just finished creating my very first blog and hopefully everything works ok.