A folksonomy is user created metadata and we all know that metadata is data about data. While taxonomy is something that would help you find information in a library, a set of specific classifications set up by a certain person or institution, a folksonomy is created by the people. Things are listed or categorized the way the specific person wants them to be and that is the biggest difference between a folksonomy and taxonomy. One of the main advantages of a folksonomy is that the users themselves get to label and structure their data whatever way they want. There is not a rigid system set in place that tells them how they are supposed to label it. If a person has a flickr account with a picture of a rabbit and they want to label that picture with the word cute, then they can do that. Under a more rigid system the rabbit would always be labeled a rabbit and nothing else. The words that people use to describe things are called tags. People can use many different tags to describe or label many different things. Chris points out the negative side to tags. He states that different people may use different tags to describe the same thing and that could be confusing. Jennifer also talks about this in her response and she gives a really great quote about the “ambiguity of tags.”
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